Bioenergy Cluster Night


The Clúster de la Bioenergía de Catalunya (CBC) celebrates on May 18 in the Auditorium of the CosmoCaixa Science Museum, the 1st Bioenergy Night: 'Bioenergy, engine of ecological transformation', a day that will serve to give learn about trends and forecasts in the sector, promote networking among all attendees, and recognize the best practices developed in Catalonia through the Bioenergy Awards.

The different candidates presented (the call is still open until April 30), choose to win four possible awards: the Biomass Award, the Biogas Award, the Bioenergy Innovation Award, and the Trajectory Award. The closing ceremony will be given by the President of the Bioenergy Cluster of Catalonia, Jordi Serra; and of the Hble. Minister of Climate Action, Food and Rural Agenda of the Generalitat de Catalunya, Teresa Jordà. The I Night of Bioenergy will end with an informal dinner that will facilitate networking and communication for all those attending the event.

I had the pleasure of being the Integra Pirineus biomass winner with whom we had done other training together.