Ecology being at the forefront of thought, has generated a flush of artistic interpretation. For centuries artists have participated in the recycling of items for their art. It is both a different creative medium and a way of raising public awareness about environmental degradation, which is the heart of Clic Recycle's mission.
Recycled art is a technique that requires many hours of exploration and experimentation with the materials and their possibilities, as well as time to collect the waste - this is where Clic Recycle steps in. This type of art is expansive and imaginative, and a growing number of artists are committed to this type of upcycling sustainable art.
Art creates awareness, and for that Clic Recycle partners with Geoge Trembley and Isabelle Fourcade for all their events that have culture, art, craftsmanship, and performance as objectives.
In fact, the use of this new type of material is recognized today as a new movement. This movement is called various things: Recycled art, Recycl'Art, or even upcycling, and is a technique that uses different materials. Artists do not seek to use the recovered objects for their intended purpose; they are creating something new altogether.
"Pablo Picasso. He was the first artist to integrate the materials called 'rough' into his works. With his painting 'Le Rêve' from 1908, he drew on a cardboard support and pasted a label. Then, in 1912, he recovered a rope to frame his oilcloth 'Still life with the cane chair'. Later he inserted a handlebar and a bicycle saddle for his sculpture 'Cabeza de toro' in 1958."
He is followed by Arman, a sculptor from Nice who stands out for his accumulations. In fact, he classifies, collects, and reuses the objects found when assembling them. His works denounce excessive consumption through garbage paintings. It was in the 1960s that he began to be one of the forerunners of this recycled art.
Artists who recycle to create:
Upcycled art is a technique that requires many hours of exploring and experimenting with the materials and their possibilities, as well as time to collect the waste - and that is where Clic Recyle steps in.
We are here to collect what you meed to make the best of your art!
What is the outcome? Amazing works in which the only limit is the artist's imagination and creativity. A growing number of artists, also known as upcyclers, are committed to this type of sustainable art, of whom the following stand out:
WE ARE LOOKING FOR ARTISTS FROM THE WORLD, from fine arts, to artisans, please join Clic Recycle.
CONTACT US AT or fill out the form at the bottom of the page.
One of the main characteristics of this style is that it's not limited to any discipline, it is represented in all of them. We can find recycled art in a painting, in a sculpture, in haute couture, or in the furniture of a house. Furthermore, environmental values, in terms of recycling and reuse of materials, have as much value as the work of art itself.
The environmental benefits of recycled art include the reuse and prolongation of useful materials and, as a result, the reduction of the amount of waste generated. It takes a lot of creativity and a certain degree of technique to work with these materials. In addition to this, artists who create this type of work should ask themselves some questions before facing the challenge: Will the energy consumed in creating the work be excessive? Are the materials to be used really a waste? What percentage of my work will be made up of waste? Will the work bring an environmental benefit?
People who buy this type of art not only find the works attractive for their artistic value, but are also motivated to contribute to the well-being of the planet by giving the materials a second life that they would not have otherwise had. This movement is also a very interesting educational tool to raise awareness in society, especially children, about the consequences of our actions on the environment and the importance of recycling.
Today's society generates an enormous amount of waste. As a result, recycling has become an essential action to protect the environment. Within this area, two approaches have emerged, downcycling and upcycling. In the former, the destructive cycle is slowed down but the resulting objects lose quality as a result of the process, while in the latter they acquire value thanks to the creative intervention.
Just like us, our waste also deserves a second chance and upcycling has led to the emergence of an artistic movement known as recycled art - upcycled art or upcycling art - that is currently inspiring many artists around the world with its critical message regarding excessive consumption and environmental pollution.
If upward recycling interests you, know that Clic Recycle does it with the help of its partner artists!
We use part of our waste with potential in order to offer them a second artistic life. After being treated, they are subjected to the creative spirit of our artists who will make them real works of art that can be used for decorate, to illustrate presentations or courses, etc.
Our last work; The Garbage Fish

Initially, this design was created to make young people aware of the fact that throwing waste on the ground was like giving it to a fish. The Garbage Fish allowed us to illustrate this metaphor since we could add waste through the opening on his back. It was a success because the children were in awe of it and understood what it represented.
Subsequently, his artistic side has a lot more to the adults and this is what led us to make others in order to sell them.
Article out of waste make your request
Nothing is lost, nothing is created, everything is transformed!
We can make whatever object or decoration you need out of waste (all designed with second-hand objects), you can challenge us to a recycling challenge at Clic Recycle! In this case we have manufactured a menu holder from recycled materials. We wanted it to be unique, beautiful, and above all 100% recycled! And because Clic Recycle has a 9R service: #redraw #reduce #reuse #repair #restore #renew #redesign #rethink #recycle! We make beautiful, unique, and 100% recycled products! To create their menu display, we have restored a billiard table and rethought old cinema spotlight.. and ta-da!!! We have the demonstration that "Nothing is lost, nothing is created, everything is transformed!"

If you are interested in any Upcycled Art work or wish to bring one of your artistic ideas to life, complete the form below and we will contact you afterwards.